Autonomous Bodies under DC-MSME

Autonomous Bodies are set up whenever it is felt that certain functions need to be discharged outside the governmental set up with some amount of independence and flexibility without day-to-day interference of the Governmental machinery. These are set up by the Ministries/Departments concerned with the subject matter and are funded through grants-in-aid, either fully or partially, depending on the extent which such institutes generate internal resources of their own. These grants are regulated by the Ministry of Finance through their instructions as well as the instructions relating to powers for creation of posts and etc. They are mostly registered as societies under the Societies Registration Act and in certain cases they have been set up as statutory institutions under the provisions contained in various Acts.

A total of 18 Autonomous Bodies fall within the purview of Development Commissioner (MSME). A complete list may be seen below.

(A) Tool Rooms & Technical Institutions Scheme:-

     Ministry of MSME has set up 18 Tool Rooms & Technical Institutions ( TRs & TIs), from 1967 to 1999 to provide technological support to industries through design & manufacture of tools, precision components, moulds, dies etc. in sectors such as General engineering, Forging & Foundry, Electronics & Electrical , Fragrance & Flavour, Glass, Footwear & Sport Goods, etc. Generally, these are called Technology Centres (TCs). These Centres also extending support to strategic sectors such as defence, aerospace etc. toward their R&D requirements . TRs & TIs play a crucial role in imparting practical skill development training to youth and provides the industry ready workforce & re-skilling the working manpower of the industry. The training programs of various duration organized by TRs & TIs are generally NSQF compliant, AICTE/NCVET/ SCVT approved courses and tailor made courses as per the need of industries. In addition to providing trained manpower, these TRs & TIs also serve the industry by providing quality tools and consultancy services in tooling and related areas.

List of Tool Rooms & Technical Institutions (TRs & TIs) under Development Commissioner (MSME)

  1. Tool Room & Training Centre(CTTC), Kolkata

  2. Central Tool Room(CTR), Ludhiana

  3. Central Institute of Tool Design(CITD), Hyderabad

  4. Central Institute of Hand Tools(CIHT), Jalandhar

  5. Indo-German Tool Room(IGTR), Indore

  6. Indo-German Tool Room(IGTR), Ahmedabad

  7. Indo-German Tool Room(IGTR), Aurangabad

  8. Central Tool Room & Training Centre(CTTC) Bhubaneswar

  9. Indo-Danish Tool Room(IDTR), Jameshedpur

  10. Tool Room and Training Centre(TRTC), Guwahati

  11. Institute for Design of Electrical Measuring Instruments(IDEMI), Mumbai

  12. Electronics Service & Training Centre (ESTC), Ramnagar

  13. MSME-Technical Development Center(FFDC), Kannuj

  14. MSME-Technical Development Center (CDGI), Firozabad

  15. MSME-Technical Development Center-(PPDC), Agra

  16. MSME-Technical Development Center(PPDC), Meerut

  17. MSME- Technical Development Center(CFTI), Agra

  18. MSME-Technical Development Center(CFTI), Chennai